Telegram Team Chat with Olga Goudsmit.

08 Aug 2023, 20:25
Telegram Team Chat with Olga Goudsmit 🎙 This week’s Telegram Team Chat (TTC) is with Olga, one of our longest term and most loved team members, she has held many roles in our company as she has worked her way up. Olga is currently our Experiential Marketing Manager! 🎉 TTC is where our Global Community Manager Extraordinaire, Michael Norton, talks with and answers your questions with a different team member each week! You still have until tomorrow, Wednesday, to ask your questions in our Telegram Group @solvecare. Olga will pick the questions. If your question gets picked you get 100 community points! 💎 Join us in our global Telegram group this Thursday at 3PM UTC to listen live! 🔉 In case you missed it: TTC with William Crawford, Partnership Manager Video | Transcript TTC with Tae Kim, Korean Regional Manager Video | Transcript